Archive for May, 2018

On Sunday 17 June I’ll be giving a talk at a conference in London, organised by Regent’s University and Trinity College London. Further information about the conference can be found here.

The talk is entitled ‘Personalized learning: the past, present and future of ELT’ and draws heavily on earlier posts on this blog. For anyone attending the talk, here are links to the references I cite along with further reading.

  1. Personalized learning – attempts to define it and its links to technology: see Personalized learning: Hydra and the power of ambiguity and Evaluating personalization
  2. Goal-setting and standardization: see Personalization and goal-setting
  3. Self-pacing and programmed instruction: see Self-paced language learning
  4. The promotion of personalized learning in ELT: see Personalized learning at IATEFL