Archive for June, 2022

The paragraph above was written by an AI-powered text generator called neuroflash which I told to produce a text on the topic ‘AI and education’. As texts on this topic go, it is both remarkable (in that it was not written by a human) and entirely unremarkable (in that it is practically indistinguishable from hundreds of human-written texts on the same subject). Neuroflash uses a neural network technology called GPT-3 – ‘a large language model’ – and ‘one of the most interesting and important AI systems ever produced’ (Chalmers, 2020). Basically, it generates text by predicting sequences of words based on huge databases. The nature of the paragraph above tells you all you need to know about the kinds of content that are usually found in texts about AI and education.

Not dissimilar from the neuroflash paragraph, educational commentary on uses of AI is characterised by (1) descriptions of AI tools already in use (e.g. speech recognition and machine translation) and (2) vague predictions which invariably refer to ‘the promise of personalised learning, adjusting what we give learners according to what they need to learn and keeping them motivated by giving them content that is of interest to them’ (Hughes, 2022). The question of what precisely will be personalised is unanswered: providing learners with optimal sets of resources (but which ones?), providing counselling services, recommendations or feedback for learners and teachers (but of what kind?) (Luckin, 2022). Nearly four years ago, I wrote about the reasons why these questions remain unanswered. The short answer is that AI in language learning requires a ‘domain knowledge model’. This specifies what is to be learnt and includes an analysis of the steps that must be taken to reach that learning goal. This is lacking in SLA, or, at least, there is no general agreement on what it is. Worse, the models that are most commonly adopted in AI-driven programs (e.g. the deliberate learning of discrete items of grammar and vocabulary) are not supported by either current theory or research (see, for example, VanPatten & Smith, 2022).

In 2021, the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG organised an event dedicated to AI in education. Unsurprisingly, there was a fair amount of input on AI in assessment, but my interest is in how AI might revolutionize how we learn and teach, not how we assess. What concrete examples did speakers provide?

Rose Luckin, the most well-known British expert on AI in education, kicked things off by mentioning three tools. One of these, Carnegie Learning, is a digital language course that looks very much like any of the ELT courses on offer from the big publishers – a fully blendable, multimedia (e.g. flashcards and videos) synthetic syllabus. This ‘blended learning solution’ is personalizable, since ‘no two students learn alike’, and, it claims, will develop a ‘lifelong love of language’. It appears to be premised on the idea of language learning as optimizing the delivery of ‘content’, of this content consisting primarily of discrete items, and of equating input with uptake. Been there, done that.

A second was Alelo Enskill a chatbot / avatar roleplay program, first developed by the US military to teach Iraqi Arabic and aspects of Iraqi culture to Marines. I looked at the limitations of chatbot technology for language learning here . The third tool mentioned by Luckin was Duolingo. Enough said.

Another speaker at this event was the founder and CEO of Edugo.AI , an AI-powered LMS which uses GPT-3. It allows schools to ‘create and upload on the platform any kind of language material (audio, video, text…). Our AI algorithms process and convert it in gamified exercises, which engage different parts of the brain, and gets students eager to practice’. Does this speaker know anything about gamification (for a quick read, I’d recommend Paul Driver (2012)) or neuroscience, I wonder. What, for that matter, does he know about language learning? Apparently, ‘language is not just about words, language is about sentences’ (Tomasello, 2022). Hmm, this doesn’t inspire confidence.

When you look at current uses of AI in language learning, there is very little (outside of testing, translation and speech ↔ text applications) that could justify enthusiastic claims that AI has any great educational potential. Skepticism seems to me a more reasonable and scientific response: de omnibus dubitandum.

Education is not the only field where AI has been talked up. When Covid hit us, AI was seen as the game-changing technology. It ‘could be deployed to make predictions, enhance efficiencies, and free up staff through automation; it could help rapidly process vast amounts of information and make lifesaving decisions’ (Chakravorti, 2022). The contribution of AI to the development of vaccines has been huge, but its role in diagnosing and triaging patients has been another matter altogether. Hundreds of predictive tools were developed: ‘none of them made a real difference, and some were potentially harmful’ (Heaven, 2021). Expectations were unrealistic and led to the deployment of tools before they were properly trialled. Thirty months down the line, a much more sober understanding of the potential of AI has emerged. Here, then, are the main lessons that have been learnt (I draw particularly on Engler, 2020, and Chakravorti, 2022) that are also relevant to education and language learning.

  • Anticipate what could go wrong before anticipating what might go right. Engler (2020) writes that ‘a poorly kept secret of AI practitioners is that 96% accuracy is suspiciously high for any machine learning problem’. In language learning, it is highly unlikely that personalized recommendations will ever reach anything even approaching this level of reliability. What are the implications for individual learners whose learning is inappropriately personalised?
  • We also know that a significant problem with AI systems is bias (O’Neil, 2016). There is a well-documented history of discriminatory outcomes because of people’s race, gender, social class or disability profile. Bias needs to be addressed proactively, not reactively.
  • Acknowledge from the outset that, for AI to work, huge amounts of data related to prior outcomes will be needed. In the cases of both Covid and language learning, much of this data will be personal. This raises immediate questions of privacy and consent, especially for learners who are children. Don’t minimise this issue.
  • Common by-products of AI use include insecure data storage, digital surveillance and consolidation of market power (Engler, 2020). Since such issues are so pervasive, assume they will be a problem, and need to be considered in evaluating the potential of any piece of AI edtech.
  • Find out what the subject matter experts have to say: ‘AI is only helpful when applied judiciously by subject-matter experts—people with long-standing experience with the problem that they are trying to solve […] Effectively predicting a badly defined problem is worse than doing nothing at all’ (Engler, 2020). It may be that the problem the AI is trying to help solve is the wrong problem and not worth solving at all (e.g. more efficient ‘delivery’ of explicit grammatical knowledge, gamifying gapfills).

To bring this post to an end, I returned to the AI / GTP-3 driven neuroflash program. This time, I asked it to write a longer piece entitled ‘The dangers of artificial intelligence in education: what could go wrong?’. Here’s what it came up with:

There are a few potential dangers of artificial intelligence in education. One is that AI could be used to replace human teachers. This could lead to a decline in the quality of education, as machines are not yet capable of replicating the full range of human emotions and social interactions that are necessary for teaching. Additionally, AI could be used to create biased or “racist” educational materials, as has already happened with some commercial software products. Finally, AI could be used to track and monitor students in ways that invade their privacy, or that could be used to manipulate their behavior.

All of these dangers are real and should be taken seriously. However, it’s important to remember that AI is still a new technology, and its impact on education is not yet fully understood. As such, we should tread cautiously when implementing AI into our educational systems.

When it comes to education, artificial intelligence could be a double-edged sword. While AI has the potential to revolutionize the field of education and help students learn in more efficient ways, there are also dangers that need to be considered.

One of the dangers of AI in education is that it could lead to a more standardized and homogenized form of learning. If all students are relying on AI-based learning tools, they may all end up learning the same things in the same way. This could lead to a loss of creativity and individuality in education.

Another danger is that AI-based learning tools could become too reliant on data and algorithms. This could lead to a situation where students are simply being taught what the machines think they should know, rather than being allowed to explore and discover new things for themselves.

Finally, there is the danger that AI could eventually replace human teachers altogether. While this may seem like a far-fetched scenario, it is not outside the realm of possibility. If AI-based learning tools become sophisticated enough, they may one day be able to do the job of teaching just as well as humans can.

These are just some of the dangers that need to be considered when it comes to artificial intelligence in education. While AI has the potential to revolutionize education, we need to be careful about how we implement it so that we don’t end up doing more harm than good.


Chakravorti, B. (2022) Why AI Failed to Live Up to Its Potential During the Pandemic. Harvard Business Review March 17,2022.

Chalmers, D. (2020) Weinberg, Justin (ed.). “GPT-3 and General Intelligence”. Daily Nous. Philosophers On GPT-3 (updated with replies by GPT-3) July 30, 2020.

Driver, P. (2012) The Irony of Gamification. In English Digital Magazine 3, British Council Portugal, pp. 21 – 24

Engler, A. (2020) A guide to healthy skepticism of artificial intelligence and coronavirus. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution

Heaven, W. D. (2021) Hundreds of AI tools have been built to catch covid. None of them helped. MIT Technology Review, July 30, 2021.

Hughes, G. (2022) What lies at the end of the AI rainbow? IATEFL LTSIG Newsletter Issue April 2022

Luckin, R. (2022) The implications of AI for language learning and teaching. IATEFL LTSIG Newsletter Issue April 2022

O’Neil, C. (2016) Weapons of Math Destruction. London: Allen Lane

Tomasello, G. (2022) Next Generation of AI-Language Education Software:NLP & Language Modules (GPT3). IATEFL LTSIG Newsletter Issue April 2022

VanPatten, B. & Smith, M. (2022) Explicit and Implicit Learning in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

There’s an aspect of language learning which everyone agrees is terribly important, but no one can quite agree on what to call it. I’m talking about combinations of words, including fixed expressions, collocations, phrasal verbs and idioms. These combinations are relatively fixed, cannot always be predicted from their elements or generated by grammar rules (Laufer, 2022). They are sometimes referred to as formulaic sequences, formulaic expressions, lexical bundles or lexical chunks, among other multiword items. They matter to English language learners because a large part of English consists of such combinations. Hill (2001) suggests this may be up to 70%. More conservative estimates report 58.6% of writing and 52.3% of speech (Erman & Warren, 2000). Some of these combinations (e.g. ‘of course’, ‘at least’) are so common that they fall into lists of the 1000 most frequent lexical items in the language.

By virtue of their ubiquity and frequency, they are important both for comprehension of reading and listening texts and for the speed at which texts can be processed. This is because knowledge of these combinations ‘makes discourse relatively predictable’ (Boers, 2020). Similarly, such knowledge can significantly contribute to spoken fluency because combinations ‘can be retrieved from memory as prefabricated units rather than being assembled at the time of speaking’ (Boer, 2020).

So far, so good, but from here on, the waters get a little muddier. Given their importance, what is the best way for a learner to acquire a decent stock of them? Are they best acquired through incidental learning (through meaning-focused reading and listening) or deliberate learning (e.g. with focused exercises of flashcards)? If the former, how on earth can we help learners to make sure that they get exposure to enough combinations enough times? If the latter, what kind of practice works best and, most importantly, which combinations should be selected? With, at the very least, many tens of thousands of such combinations, life is too short to learn them all in a deliberate fashion. Some sort of triage is necessary, but how should we go about this? Frequency of occurrence would be one obvious criterion, but this merely raises the question of what kind of database should be used to calculate frequency – the spoken discourse of children will reveal very different patterns from the written discourse of, say, applied linguists. On top of that, we cannot avoid consideration of the learners’ reasons for learning the language. If, as is statistically most probable, they are learning English to use as a lingua franca, how important or relevant is it to learn combinations that are frequent, idiomatic and comprehensible in native-speaker cultures, but may be rare and opaque in many English as a Lingua Franca contexts?

There are few, if any, answers to these big questions. Research (e.g. Pellicer-Sánchez, 2020) can give us pointers, but, the bottom line is that we are left with a series of semi-informed options (see O’Keeffe et al., 2007: 58 – 99). So, when an approach comes along that claims to use software to facilitate the learning of English formulaic expressions (Lin, 2022) I am intrigued, to say the least.

The program is, slightly misleadingly, called IdiomsTube ( A more appropriate title would have been IdiomaticityTube (as it focuses on ‘speech formulae, proverbs, sayings, similes, binomials, collocations, and so on’), but I guess ‘idioms’ is a more idiomatic word than ‘idiomaticity’. IdiomsTube allows learners to choose any English-captioned video from YouTube, which is then automatically analysed to identify from two to six formulaic expressions that are presented to the learner as learning objects. Learners are shown these items; the items are hyperlinked to (good) dictionary entries; learners watch the video and are then presented with a small variety of practice tasks. The system recommends particular videos, based on an automated analysis of their difficulty (speech rate and a frequency count of the lexical items they include) and on recommendations from previous users. The system is gamified and, for class use, teachers can track learner progress.

When an article by the program’s developer, Phoebe Lin, (in my view, more of an advertising piece than an academic one) came out in the ReCALL journal, she tweeted that she’d love feedback. I reached out but didn’t hear back. My response here is partly an evaluation of Dr Lin’s program, partly a reflection on how far technology can go in solving some of the knotty problems of language learning.

Incidental and deliberate learning

Researchers have long been interested in looking for ways of making incidental learning of lexical items more likely to happen (Boers, 2021: 39 ff.), of making it more likely that learners will notice lexical items while focusing on the content of a text. Most obviously, texts can be selected, written or modified so they contain multiple instances of a particular item (‘input flooding’). Alternatively, texts can be typographically enhanced so that particular items are highlighted in some way. But these approaches are not possible when learners are given the freedom to select any video from YouTube and when the written presentations are in the form of YouTube captions. Instead, IdiomsTube presents the items before the learner watches the video. They are, in effect, told to watch out for these items in advance. They are also given practice tasks after viewing.

The distinction between incidental and deliberate vocabulary learning is not always crystal-clear. In this case, it seems fairly clear that the approach is more slanted to deliberate learning, even though the selection of video by the learner is determined by a focus on content. Whether this works or not will depend on (1) the level-appropriacy of the videos that the learner watches, (2) the effectiveness of the program in recommending / identifying appropriate videos, (3) the ability of the program to identify appropriate formulaic expressions as learning targets in each video, and (4) the ability of the program to generate appropriate practice of these items.

Evaluating the level of YouTube videos

What makes a video easy or hard to understand? IdiomsTube attempts this analytical task by calculating (1) the speed of the speech and (2) the difficulty of the lexis as determined by the corpus frequency of these items. This gives a score out of five for each category (speed and difficulty). I looked at fifteen videos, all of which were recommended by the program. Most of the ones I looked at were scored at Speed #3 and Difficulty #1. One that I looked at, ‘Bruno Mars Carpool Karaoke’, had a speed of #2 and a difficulty of #1 (i.e. one of the easiest). The video is 15 minutes long. Here’s an extract from the first 90 seconds:

Let’s set this party off right, put yo’ pinky rings up to the moon, twenty four karat magic in the air, head to toe soul player, second verse for the hustlas, gangstas, bad bitches and ya ugly ass friends, I gotta show how a pimp get it in, and they waking up the rocket why you mad

Whoa! Without going into details, it’s clear that something has gone seriously wrong. Evaluating the difficulty of language, especially spoken language, is extremely complex (not least because there’s no objective measure of such a thing). It’s not completely dissimilar to the challenge of evaluating the accuracy, appropriacy and level of sophistication of a learner’s spoken language, and we’re a long way from being able to do that with any acceptable level of reliability. At least, we’re a long, long way from being able to do it well when there are no constraints on the kind of text (which is the case when taking the whole of YouTube as a potential source). Especially if we significantly restrict topic and text type, we can train software to do a much better job. However, this will require human input: it cannot be automated without.

The length of these 15 videos ranged from 3.02 to 29.27 minutes, with the mean length being about 10 minutes, and the median 8.32 minutes. Too damn long.

Selecting appropriate learning items

The automatic identification of formulaic language in a text presents many challenges: it is, as O’Keeffe et al. (2007: 82) note, only partially possible. A starting point is usually a list, and IdiomsTube begins with a list of 53,635 items compiled by the developer (Lin, 2022) over a number of years. The software has to match word combinations in the text to items in the list, and has to recognise variant forms. Formulaic language cannot always be identified just by matching to lists of forms: a piece of cake may just be a piece of cake, and therefore not a piece of cake to analyse. 53,365 items may sound like a lot, but a common estimate of the number of idioms in English is 25,000. The number of multiword units is much, much higher. 53,365 is not going to be enough for any reliable capture.

Since any given text is likely to contain a lot of formulaic language, the next task is to decide how to select for presentation (i.e. as learning objects) from those identified. The challenge is, as Lin (2022) remarks, both technical and theoretical: how can frequency and learnability be measured? There are no easy answers, and the approach of IdiomsTube is, by its own admission, crude. The algorithm prioritises longer items that contain lower frequency single items, and which have a low frequency of occurrence in a corpus of 40,000 randomly-sampled YouTube videos. The aim is to focus on formulaic language that is ‘more challenging in terms of composition (i.e. longer and made up of more difficult words) and, therefore, may be easier to miss due to their infrequent appearance on YouTube’. My immediate reaction is to question whether this approach will not prioritise items that are not worth the bother of deliberate learning in the first place.

The proof is in the proverbial pudding, so I looked at the learning items that were offered by my sample of 15 recommended videos. Sadly, IdiomsTube does not even begin to cut the mustard. The rest of this section details why the selection was so unsatisfactory: you may want to skip this and rejoin me at the start of the next section.

  • In total 85 target items were suggested. Of these 39 (just under half) were not fixed expressions. They were single items. Some of these single items (e.g. ‘blog’ and ‘password’ would be extremely easy for most learners). Of the others, 5 were opaque idioms (the most prototypical kind of idiom), the rest were collocations and fixed (but transparent) phrases and frames.
  • Some items (e.g. ‘I rest my case’) are limited in terms of the contexts in which they can be appropriately used.
  • Some items did not appear to be idiomatic in any way. ‘We need to talk’ and ‘able to do it’, for example, are strange selections, compared to others in their respective lists. They are also very ‘easy’: if you don’t readily understand items like these, you wouldn’t have a hope in hell of understanding the video.
  • There were a number of errors in the recommended target items. Errors included duplication of items within one set (‘get in the way’ + ‘get in the way of something’), misreading of an item (‘the shortest’ misread as ‘the shorts’), mislabelling of an item (‘vend’ instead of ‘vending machine’), linking to the wrong dictionary entry (e.g. ‘mini’ links to ‘miniskirt’, although in the video ‘mini’ = ‘small’, or, in another video, ‘stoke’ links to ‘stoked’, which is rather different!).
  • The selection of fixed expressions is sometimes very odd. In one video, the following items have been selected: get into an argument, vend, from the ground up, shovel, we need to talk, prefecture. The video contains others which would seem to be better candidates, including ‘You can’t tell’ (which appears twice), ‘in charge of’, ‘way too’ (which also appears twice), and ‘by the way’. It would seem, therefore, that some inappropriate items are selected, whilst other more appropriate ones are omitted.
  • There is a wide variation in the kind of target item. One set, for example, included: in order to do, friction, upcoming, run out of steam, able to do it, notification. Cross-checking with Pearson’s Global Scale of English, we have items ranging from A2 to C2+.

The challenges of automation

IdiomsTube comes unstuck on many levels. It fails to recommend appropriate videos to watch. It fails to suggest appropriate language to learn. It fails to provide appropriate practice. You wouldn’t know this from reading the article by Phoebe Lin in the ReCALL journal which does, however, suggest that ‘further improvements in the design and functions of IdiomsTube are needed’. Necessary they certainly are, but the interesting question is how possible they are.

My interest in IdiomsTube comes from my own experience in an app project which attempted to do something not completely dissimilar. We wanted to be able to evaluate the idiomaticity of learner-generated language, and this entailed identifying formulaic patterns in a large corpus. We wanted to develop a recommendation engine for learning objects (i.e. the lexical items) by combining measures of frequency and learnability. We wanted to generate tasks to practise collocational patterns, by trawling the corpus for contexts that lent themselves to gapfills. With some of these challenges, we failed. With others, we found a stopgap solution in human curation, writing and editing.

IdiomsTube is interesting, not because of what it tells us about how technology can facilitate language learning. It’s interesting because it tells us about the limits of technological applications to learning, and about the importance of sorting out theoretical challenges before the technical ones. It’s interesting as a case study is how not to go about developing an app: its ‘special enhancement features such as gamification, idiom-of-the-day posts, the IdiomsTube Teacher’s interface and IdiomsTube Facebook and Instagram pages’ are pointless distractions when the key questions have not been resolved. It’s interesting as a case study of something that should not have been published in an academic journal. It’s interesting as a case study of how techno-enthusiasm can blind you to the possibility that some learning challenges do not have solutions that can be automated.


Boers, F. (2020) Factors affecting the learning of multiword items. In Webb, S. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 143 – 157

Boers, F. (2021) Evaluating Second Language Vocabulary and Grammar Instruction. Abingdon: Routledge

Erman, B. & Warren, B. (2000) The idiom principle and the open choice principle. Text, 20 (1): pp. 29 – 62

Hill, J. (2001) Revising priorities: from grammatical failure to collocational success. In Lewis, M. (Ed.) Teaching Collocation: further development in the Lexical Approach. Hove: LTP. Pp.47- 69

Laufer, B. (2022) Formulaic sequences and second language learning. In Szudarski, P. & Barclay, S. (Eds.) Vocabulary Theory, Patterning and Teaching. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. pp. 89 – 98

Lin, P. (2022). Developing an intelligent tool for computer-assisted formulaic language learning from YouTube videos. ReCALL 34 (2): pp.185–200.

O’Keeffe, A., McCarthy, M. & Carter, R. (2007) From Corpus to Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Pellicer-Sánchez, A. (2020) Learning single words vs. multiword items. In Webb, S. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 158 – 173